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Town of Marana

11555 W. Civic Center Dr, Marana, AZ, 85653, US


TOM Awards Information

The TOM Awards recognize employees who embrace the Town of Marana’s Cultural Values:

Dedicated Service

We are dedicated to Service Excellence.


We treat everyone in our community (both employees and citizens) like family. 


We trust and value each other.

Innovation & Leadership

We do what it takes to make the Town of Marana better.

Cultural Value Award

The Cultural Value Award recognizes a single event or situation that shows an employee has demonstrated excellence through one of our Cultural Values.  These on-the-spot moments of recognition are important in developing the brand and culture of the Town.  We not only embrace and encourage these behaviors but we recognize and reward them.  Cultural Value Award nominations will be reviewed bi-weekly and recipients will be able to choose the award that best suits them (Cultural Value coin, Town merchandise, Town apparel voucher).  Nominations should be submitted as soon as possible following the event. 

Innovation and Exemplary Performance Award

The Innovation and Exemplary Performance Award is to recognize employees who continuously go above and beyond the call of duty or have engaged in innovative processes to develop an organization of excellence.  This employee has not just demonstrated a single event or situation but rather has an accumulation of attitudes, actions and behaviors that innovatively create an organization of excellence or that demonstrate exemplary performance through one or more of the Town’s Cultural Values.  The Innovation and Exemplary Performance nominations will be reviewed quarterly and recipients will be able to choose a monetary award of $250 or 8 hours of MTO credited to their accruals.  Nominations are due by the last day of each quarter- March, June, September and December.

Please complete the following nomination form and return it to Human Resources.


TOM Awards Nomination

Choose one:

I would like to nominate: *Please complete one form per person being nominated. If one scenario applies to multiple employees, please write multiple in the First and Last Names Fields and clearly identify each employee being nominated in the description box below, including any individual contributions that differ from the other nominees.

This nomination form is submitted by:

Employee excellence contributes to the overall mission of the Town. Please indicate the demonstrated excellence from the following categories:

Please verify the following: